Nori Bahar, Sri Yunarti, Kamila Herti


The relationship of the wife as a career woman has a positive and negative effect on the harmony of one's household. Not on the equality/equality of husband and wife. The impact of the wife's career is lack of time for family, lack of attention to the husband and children, obligations as a wife and mother are reduced by the amount of time to work, cheating, husbands applying polygamy, and domestic violence. The pattern of fulfilling family living can be managed together with functions and roles carried out based on deliberations both public and domestic. The family law specifies in KHI article 79 paragraph 1.Rights and obligations of husband and wife. the existence of career restrictions carried out by the wife, the need for the husband's permission, as long as he maintains the limits set by the shari‟at, the support of the family and of course the permission of the husband

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