Melaty Riza


This research was conducted at the ASN of the Department of Industry, Trade, Cooperatives, Small and Medium Enterprises, Riau Province with the aim of studying the effect of altruistic leadership on the innovative behavior of employees with psychological capital as a mediation. The sampling method used in this study is systematic sampling, based on the table Krejcie and Morgan (1979), with N = 216 (rounded to 220), so the number of samples is 140 people. Analysis of the research data using descriptive statistics and verification analysis, as an analytical tool used Structural Equational Model which is processed with SmartPLS2 Software. The results of the analysis prove that altruistic leadership has a significant positive effect on employees' innovative work behavior, psychological capital has a significant positive effect on employees' innovative work behavior, and psychological capital is able to mediate the influence of altruistic leadership on employees' innovative work behavior

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