Emotional Condition Of Adolescents From Divorced Parents

afrilliani lian, putri yeni


Divorce in the family always has a profound impact on children. Divorce cases can cause stress, pressure, and cause physical and mental changes. Children whose parents have divorced tend not to be able to control their emotions, a child's behavior like this is due to frustration in him so that they can vent their emotions in themselves. Parents are an important role in shaping the character and development of their children. In adolescence to adulthood, this can be dangerous and can affect the psychology of children, because in adolescence they tend to be emotional in expressing something, because they are not yet able to fully control their physical and psychological functions. The research method used is to use a qualitative approach using references from various sources, including books, journals, articles, and other documents. Divorce is not the only way out for problems in a family to be resolved quickly, If there is a divorce in the family, it always has a deep impact, especially on their children. When a child is a teenager, they have begun to understand what divorce means. And because of the divorce of parents, there is a very big change in teenagers such as the problem of children becoming aggressive, not confident, pessimistic about love, and depression. And there are profound effects on a child's physical and emotional health, as well as their ability to get along with their peers.


Divorce, Emotions, Teens

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.31958/agenda.v5i2.9624


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