Defiant Behavior of Children Towards Parents According to the Islamic Perspective

Sishy Putri


This article discusses the Islamic perspective on defiant behavior in children. In Islam, obedience to parents is highly emphasized and seen as a manifestation of obedience to Allah. Therefore, defiance towards parents is considered undesirable behavior in Islam. The article mentions several ways parents can handle defiant children. One of them is by providing good and polite advice to the child, as well as teaching religious values such as patience, humility, and self-control. In conclusion, the article emphasizes that defiance in children is not encouraged in Islam, and there are many ways parents can use to address such issues. Islam teaches specific values that form the foundation for a harmonious relationship between parents and children, while also guiding how to develop a balanced attitude of discipline and love.



Membangkang, Anak, ketaatan, Pandangan agama islam

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