Sulastri Caniago


Talisman (‘Azimah) and dispensation (Rukhshah) were a study in Islamic law that brought the principles of law (general and optional principles). In normal condition, Talisman (‘Azimah) could be done, and dispensation (Rukhshah) could be done optionally when condition did not support it. The concept of Talisman (‘Azimah) and dispensation (Rukhshah) presented that Islamic law was flexible and dinamic based on one’s condition. Therefore, all of Allah’s command to do or to do not do something could be done. This was in line with the demand of developed era.


‘azimah, rukhshah, pengecualian, hukum Islam

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.31958/juris.v13i2.1137


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JURIS: Jurnal Ilmiah Syari'ah

ISSN 2580-2763 (online) and 1412-6109 (Print)

Published by Universitas Islam Negeri Mahmud Yunus Batusangkar

Email: juris@uinmybatusangkar.ac.id


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