Asnelly Ilyas, Eliwatis Eliwatis


Decreasing attitude and/or moral values among students forced Indonesian government to be responsible to solve this problem through character building. Considering ‘Undang-Undang RI No.17 Tahun 2005’, this is a must for every school to over-come all problems that contribute to the decreasing attitute/ moral values of the students. Inhence, this research was done to know how was the implementation character education at schools. The design of the research was qualitative one. The researcher came to the class to observe the teaching and learning proseses (pre, whilst, and post activities) in order to get complete data. After analyzing the lesson plan and observation result of the teaching and learning proseses in the classroom, it could be known that there was the information of character building in the lesson plan (the learning objective, teaching steps and measurment). Then, the moral values were integrated in teaching materials by using cooperative learning, active learning, contexttual and expository strategy. In measuring the students’ attitute/ behaviour, the teacher faced difficulties in interpreting and scoring because there was no clear information of scoring students’ character/ attitute.


pendidikan, nilai-nilai karakter, pembelajaran, penilaian

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.31958/jt.v19i2.467


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