Cotesia rubecula Feeding Strategy as a Biocontrol Parasitoid: A Review

Maiyusri Eka Putri, Ramadhan Sumarmin, Dwi Hilda Putri


Indonesian citizens rely on the agricultural sector to meet their daily needs because Indonesia is an agricultural country. Agricultural land, which is planted with monoculture crops, is a good condition for the development of pests, especially insect pests. To eradicate insect pests, farmers often choose insecticides that have a negative impact on the farmers themselves, on the environment, and on insects that are not parasitic to plants. Therefore, pest control with natural enemies needs to be done in order to preserve the environment and reduce the use of insecticides. Parasitoid organisms have great potential as biocontrol, one of which is Cotesia rubecula, which can be used as a biocontrol for the cabbage pest Pieris rapae. The feeding strategy of Cotesia rubecula can be used as a biocontrol agent for environmentally sound pest control. Besides that, Cotesia rubecula also helps pollinate cabbage plants.


Parasitoid; Biocontrol; Cotesia rubecula; Strategi makan.

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