Developing Maple-Assisted Worksheets in Statistical Physics Course

Venny Haris, Kurnia Rahmi Y


Students have difficulty understanding the material of statistical physics because of the characteristics of them which have a mathematical basis as differential, integral, exponential, and statistical equations. For this reason, it is necessary to design a companion learning textbook that can help students in learning mathematical equations in a statistical physics material. The purpose of this study was to determine the validity and practicality of the maple-assisted worksheet in statistical physics course. The type of research is research and development (R & D). This research consists of three stages, namely the defining, the design, the development stage. The research instrument used was a validation sheet to measure the validity, and a response questionnaire to measure the practicality of student worksheets. The prototype of a maple-assisted worksheet was validated by two validatory. The validation results show that the student worksheet is highly valid. The results of the limited trial of 30 students in the statistical physics course showed that the maple-assisted worksheets in the statistical physics course were highly practical from aspects that were easy to use, interesting, and efficient.


Statistical physics; Worksheets; Maple.

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Sainstek: Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi
ISSN 2085-8019  (print) | 2580-278x  (online)
Published by Institut Agama Islam Negeri Batusangkar


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