Evaluasi Internal Keamanan Informasi pada Dinas Komunikasi dan Informatika Kota Palembang

Ilham Bintang, Catur Eri Gunawan, Freddy Kurnia Wijaya


This article aims to provide an overview of the conditions of readiness (completeness and maturity) of information security at Diskominfo Palembang which is carried out internally. The research instrument used was a questionnaire taken from the guidelines of Indeks KAMI version 3.1. The research method used in this article is descriptive quantitative. The answers for each area are collected, then with the calculations that have been available in the guidelines of Indeks KAMI version 3.1, the results will be obtained from the completeness of the work program that has been carried out and the maturity level of information security at Diskominfo Palembang. The assessment result of the completeness of the information security work program is 338, based on the provisions of Indeks KAMI, so this means that the readiness status of Diskominfo Palembang still needs improvement. Meanwhile, the assessment of the maturity level of information security at Diskominfo Palembang is at level I-II. This means that the maturity level of information security is still in its initial condition and is implementing an information security framework in the activities of using information technology.


Information Security; Government Agencies; Maturity Level; Completeness of Information Security.


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.31958/js.v12i2.2500


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