Fadriati Fadriati


History notes that the idea of establishing an institution of Islamic religious education has actually been owned by Muslims since the Dutch era. After Indonesian independence, the development of Islamic education showed a better development. The presence of IAIN in society is basically a manifestation of a long-held aspiration in the hearts of Indonesian Muslims. at a later stage some IAIN and STAIN develop into UIN. In the long journey PTAIN in Indonesia has generated many graduates, both in strata one, strata two and three. The gait of its alumni has been widespread in the community, which includes as educators, da'i, bureaucrats, entrepreneurs and so forth. Currently, Islamic Religious Higher Education (PTKI), especially IAIN and STAIN are faced with issues concerning the output that has not been accommodated (involved / involved) adequately, if not maximized into various aspects of the needs of modern life. Whereas the demands of change continue to roll along with the changing times that seemed unstoppable. If following the identification of the problems of Islamic Higher Education, then the problems faced by PTKI are (1) The lack of growth of critical thinking and analytical thinking, (2) Students are not equipped with areas of expertise and qualifications that can be applied beneficially in the development process and, (3) Students to college are first to pursue status and a degree of diploma, not skill, skill and professionalism.

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