Eliza Eliza


Education as a human effort is the best cultural aspect and result that every generation of human beings can provide for the benefit of the young generation to continue their life and way of life in the socio-cultural context. Therefore, every pluralistic society in modern times always prepares its citizens who are selected as educators for the sake of continuity (regeneration) of each society concerned. Various problems in education, if can not be eliminated at all, at least it needs to be minimized, so the problems that arise do not interfere with the achievement of general educational goals, or specific learning objectives. Furthermore, this study discusses the analysis of factors that affect student learning outcomes in mathematics courses, especially UPI students "YPTK" Padang with the aim to examine the factors that affect student learning outcomes in the mathematics course itself. This research was conducted through field study by distributing questionnaires to students as the object of his research. The method of analysis used is the regression model in this case with the discussion of the magnitude of the coefficient of determination, simultaneous testing, partial testing and normality of research data. The results obtained that the motivation, ability or expertise possessed in the understanding of mathematics mathematics is a factor that greatly affect the results of learning. This is proven, where more than 50 percent of students are able to get good grades from the mathematics learning. Meanwhile, from both simultaneous testing and partial testing showed a fairly strong level of significance. However, even so for the future as an educator (lecturer) still provide motivation, inspiration and tricks or tips for mathematics courses are able to continue to be liked, developed in the form of modeling that is easier to understand not a complicated or boring subject for some students.

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