Yusrizal Yusrizal, Abdul Ghafur, Husni Sabri


Zakat is one of the pillars of Islam that has two dimensions at once, in addition to containing the dimension of worship, at the same time the charity has a social dimension, because zakat is one instrument that can be used to reduce the level of poverty. In essence, when Allah's word is understood (Q.S. At-Taubah: 103) zakat has a coercive nature, where zakat must be taken from the muzakki by using the existing power, of course by the competent party. For the case of Indonesia, as the largest Muslim country in the world zakat has enormous potential, yet at the same time existing legislation has not regulated how zakat can be taken by force by authorized institution or institution. The existence of zakat amil agency is very important in the effort of collecting and distributing zakat funds. Amil zalcat agencies should be an institution that can be an attraction for muzakki to want to be consistent and conscious in distributing zakat. Many factors affect the optimization of zakat fund collection, such as due to social marketing factor of amil zakat institution, hard effort or optimism of zakat institution, education factor, faith, income level, attitudes toward property, and socialization conducted by zakat amil agency, and other factors . The purpose of this research is to analyze the influence of social marketing and amil zakat optimism, to the optimization of fundraising of zakat fund. The approach used in this research is quantitative approach, with causal relationship method. The number of samples used as many as 123 people in South Tangerang, with measuring tools using Likert scale to measure social marketing and optimism Amil Zakat. As for the test data analysis used in this study is multiple regression with the help of software SPSS 17. Results of data processing obtained regression value (R2) of 88.9% and 11.1% influenced by other factors, it states that there is influence significant between social marketing and amil zakat optimism towards fundraising optimization of zakat fund in South Tangerang City.

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