Yetti Afrida Indra, Yunida Een Fryanti, Lucky Auditya, Herlina Yustati, Evan Stiawan


The current regional economy has not shown rapid growth. Poverty Severity Index (P2) According to BPS-Statistics of Bengkulu Province, 2005-2016 reached 1.09%, especially in rural areas of Seluma District in Bengkulu province. One of the causes of poverty in the region is the number of unemployed increases. The important role of Baitul Mal Wat Tamwil (BMT) on the economy of Bengkulu in particular rural communities gives a positive view that the development and financing of small businesses, help break the dependence on loan sharks, maintain the economic justice of the community. This study aims to determine the strategy of increasing the economy through financial institutions BMT As-Salam in the Village New Location Seluma District and develop some products that can be accessed by people around BMT As-Salam. The type of this research is descriptive qualitative that is research about data collected and expressed in the form of words and pictures, words arranged in sentence, for example sentence result of interview between researcher and informandata analysis simultant with data collecting, interpretation, and writing of research result .The results of this study is based on the results of analysis and discussion that has been  done, it can be concluded that the role of BMT in the economy provides guidance and funding of small businesses, helping to relinquish dependence on moneylenders, maintaining economic justice community with a uniform distribution and make the community to be able to apply sharia-based economy, whose ultimate goal in the role of BMT is to improve people's living standards and also increase economic growth in Indonesia

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Copyright (c) 2018 Yetti Afrida Indra, Yunida Een Fryanti, Lucky Auditya, Herlina Yustati, Evan Stiawan