Sri Adella Fitri, Ramadanis Ramadanis


This study aims to see to what extent sharia banks apply the principles of maqashid sharia in the implementation of CSR. Based on initial interviews, the current implementation of CSR is as a promotional event and to a public confidence maintainance for the companies to feel safe during their operation. Unstructured interviews were done as data collection technique. The research results showed that shariah banks have applied the concept of maqashid shariah partially. Based on the concept of maqashid shariah, banks in implementing CSR refers to 5 aspects, ie (1) maintaining religion (hifzh ad-din): compliance of banks in running products in accordance with sharia ( an-nafs): issuing zakat on a body as well as a private, (3) keeping the mind (hifzh al-'aql): training and education for employees (4) maintaining descendants (hifzh annasl): fulfilling all the needs of employees so that they can obtain welfare;  and (5) keeping  the property (hifzh al-mal) focusing  on the needs and desires of customers and stakeholders. Caring about trade unions, local communities, governments, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), consumers, the poors / the dhuafas are  the ways of the  banks to prove that sharia banks are not only profit-oriented but also social awareness oriented  in accordance with the principles of maqashid sharia.

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