Khairina Khairina, Rahmat Kurnia


The problem discussed in this research is the implementation of Islamic values in shariah-based banks. The purpose of this research is to find out whether Islamic values consist of al-hurriyah (freedom), al-musawah (equality or equality), al- 'is (justice), ash-shidq (truth and honesty), al-ridha (willingness), al-kitabah (written), have been applied in sharia-based banks. The type of research is qualitative describing the application of Islamic values in Islamic banks through in-depth interviews. The results of the research  show that Islamic banks have applied Islamic values in running its operations as  shariah-based financial institutions consisting of al-hurriyah (freedom).  The parties making the agreement / contracts are Islamic banks and customers who  are free to make agreements on the basis of willingness on each party, al-musawah (equality or equality) in the form of  queuing numbers to customers in sharia banks, al-'adalah (justice) in the form of a percentage between the customer and the bank in cooperation, ash-shidq (truth and honesty), more ephasizing the application of the values of honesty between banks and customers, al-ridha (willingness), and al- kitabah (written):  the existence of a contract in writing an agreement between the banks and the customers. However, these values have not been applied maximally to shariah banks.

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