Hafizzullah Hafizzullah


Islam is a system that is comprehensive and covers all aspects of human life. It provides guidance in all areas of life. This not only can be deduced from the laws of Islam, but also from the sources of Islamic law itself. One type of business mentioned in the Quran is buying and selling (trading). To keep the good between the seller and the buyer doing the transaction, Islam allows both parties to bargain, as long as it happens on the basis of likes and no elements of Najasiy, that is, one adds or raises the price of a merchandise, whereas he is not willing to buy it, but aims to benefit the seller and harms the buyer, or just plays games. If viewed from the perspective of Islamic economics, of course this practice is contrary to the true teachings of Islam. Then, when viewed further, this kind of action has something in common with advertising an item to others, but whether this way in advertising is allowed or not is still a question. So, the researcher is  interested in  doing  further research on this issue. The study of this is done by tracing the verses of the Qur'an and the hadiths of the Messenger of Allah related to this matter, as well as the economic books that have relevance to this problem by using maudhu'i understanding.

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