Auliya Fithry, Muhammad Subhan, Dony Permana


Poverty is one of the problems in Indonesia, which is a predominantly Moslem country. In Islam,  zakat can be used to decrease poverty if the all muzzakki fulfill the obligation and manage properly. The aim of this research is to develop a mathematical model that describes dynamics of economic group population associated to zakat in a small area (Kelurahan Puhun Pintu Kabun) in Bukittinggi city. The model is a Markov chain model that is presented by a transition probability matrices. We begin this research by collecting data through interviews with respondents, making the transition probability matrices from one until five steps, observing the characteristics of each situation, and drawing conclusion. The result declares that  every community status of zakat is reccurent, which means every community status of zakat has probability to return to original status.

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Copyright (c) 2018 Auliya Fithry, Muhammad Subhan, Dony Permana