Andriyaldi Andriyaldi


Indeed what distinguishes the Islamic economic system from other economic systems such as capitalist and socialist economic system lies on its foundation as the foundation of Islamic economics it self. The foundation is the basis of the philosophical ideology of Islamic economics. The foundation of tawhid, justice and balance and benefit must always be accompanied in every Islamic economic activity. These foundations will ultimately lead to the realization of true prosperity (al-falah). The true well-being of man in the economic perspective of Islam is a condition in which the five primary needs (al-dharuriyat al-khams) described above are preserved and assured of existence in human life itself. Maintenance of religion, necessitates every human being given freedom and freedom to develop the potential of faith and implement it in everyday life. In contemporary language, man is given the freedom to develop his spiritual intelligence. Furthermore, hifz alnafs (self-development potential) is also a human condition given the freedom to organize its life. Indeed there is no power and power that threatens his life. While hifz al-'aql is a human condition in which everyone is given the freedom to develop the potential of dhikr and fikirnya and simultaneously with it also given the opportunity to access the latest sources of science.

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