Herurasliawan Rachmatdia, Hasnati Hasnati, Yusuf Daeng


This study wants to know how the form of criminal liability for perpetrators of computer software piracy and at the same time want to know how the form of protection for intellectual property owners. Juridically, criminal liability is more severe than the previous law, both in terms of imprisonment and compensation. Perpetrators of piracy can be sentenced to 2 years to 10 years in prison. Even though this law is burdensome for criminals, it does not mean that computer software piracy will disappear or disappear. Software piracy is a phenomenon that is often found in the community, including academics or students. Software piracy in Indonesia is an open secret for the public. The strong reason for using pirated software is that it is more cost-effective but has almost the same benefits as the original software. Even though Indonesia already has legal instruments that regulate the field of copyright, enforcement of copyright crimes is still inadequate. Once the importance of respect for copyright, the rule of law was deliberately created to protect it.

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