Syamsul Bahri


Interfaith marriage is a growing social problem in Indonesia. As a country that believes in God Almighty, marriage in Indonesia is regulated in Law Number 1 of 1974 which does not recognize the validity of interfaith marriages. However, with the existence of Law Number 23 of 2006 it is possible for interfaith marriages to be registered with the court if the marriage gets permission from the court. By using the normative juridical method, the author analyzes the legal considerations of the Pati District Court judges in cases of Applications for Interfaith Marriage Permits. From the author's analysis, it was found that juridically, the judge had revealed legal provisions that did not recognize the validity of interfaith marriages. However, philosophically, the judge did not consider the impact that would be experienced by interfaith marriages. In providing legal certainty, Law no. 23/2006 which is used as a legal consideration does not explain the validity of marriage as part of a religious ritual. The consideration of the usefulness of the judge's decision in this case is limited to carrying out trial proceedings by ignoring religious considerations from religious institutions that have the potential to weaken the community's religious observance

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