Dasril Dasril


This research was based on the problems not having been optimal implementation of
group counseling services and group counseling by teacher guidance and counseling in
schools. Service group counseling and group counseling are held on average only 2-3
groups each semester, and the implementation is still monotonous. So that has not
figured in developing optimal and handle KES KES-T students as a golden
generation. The purpose of this study is to see how the skills of guidance and counseling
teachers or counselors in implementing guidance services group and group counseling,
see service planning and realization of group counseling services as planned, as well as
constraints.The results showed that; The first skills guidance and counseling teachers
or counselors in implementing guidance services and group counseling groups most
(58%) are in the category of low and very low, 35% moderate and only 5% are at a
very high category. Both guidance and counseling teachers plan activities group
counseling services and group counseling refers to the number of students not foster
them, so that the plan that is prepared is not ideal. Third realization of group guidance
and counseling services planned group has not been implemented to the fullest
realization means at most 60% and at least 20% and some even did not take place at
all. Fourth among causes of failure in the service group counseling and group
counseling is still low skills teacher guidance and counseling or counselor, yet their
special room for group counseling and group counseling, no clock in the class and
there is no guidebook implementation guidance services groups and counseling
standard group easily applied by guidance and counseling teacher or counselor at

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