A STUDY ON ECONOMIC ASPECTS OF THE MATERIALS OF WORSHIP FIQH: The Reflection of Integration and Interconnection of Sciences

Syukri Iska


The paradigm of science and education system has been placed dichotomously over years
which causes the birth of the term religion science, on the one hand, and general science, on
the other hand. The same is true for the educational system that dichotomizes religious
educational institutions, on the one hand, and public education institutions, on the other hand.
These eventually also influence the presentation of Islamic learning materials, such as Fiqh,
which stresses the material so as for only limited aspects of the laws and ordinances its
practice.While, in fact, the study of Fiqh materials, such as those of Worship Fiqh, can also be
seen from various other scientific perspectives and interconnective, and integrative ways, such
as from Economic Sciences view-point. It can be proved through the material of fasting during
Ramadan month. The learning materiasl are usually presented from Fiqh view-point. While, it
is a fact that fasting has some implications on the country's economic growth. Thus, the effect
of fasting can be studied, for example, from the theory of macroeconomics view-point. By the
enrichment of such a concept, it will not only show the philosophy of Islamic Kaffah, but also
give its own appeal to the learners studying Fiqh.

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