Soleh Gunawan, Naf’an Tarihoran


This study aims to: 1) knowing the effect of BMT fund utilization affects the welfare of the people of Cilegon City Micro Business Actors, 2) To find out their assistance to the people who get BMT funds for micro business actors, and 3) to find out how much BMT funds affect the Community Welfare of Cilegon Business Actors. Micro. This research uses quantitative methods. The data used in this study are primary data and secondary data, which is obtained from the results of interviews and reports on the realization of this financing to determine the effect of variables by multiple linear regression testing using the T-test (partial), Correlation Coefficient Test, and Coefficient of determination R2 (R Square), as well as considering the classical assumption tests, namely Normality, Heteroscedasticity, Multicollinearity and Autocorrelation. The population of this study was conducted on micro entrepreneurs from customers of BMT Bina Tijaroh while the sampling was calculated using the Slovin formula. The results showed that the distribution of BMT funds had a significant effect on the income of micro business actors both in terms of income before and after being given BMT funds of 7,726 and in terms of mentoring before and after the funds were given as much as 6,425 and in terms of assets of 6,344 to micro-entrepreneurs.

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