Lailul Ilham


Myth is always perceived as a classic, mystical, and part of the markers of the backwardness of a civilization in a region or society, because there is still a belief in something supernatural and irrational. This reality encourages people to abandon the heritage of beliefs that tend to be mystical to approach a new trend known as progress. But ontologically, the existence of myth is not only a matter of occult and mystical matters, but has strong implications for the process of shaping the way of thinking and social behavior of the surrounding community, as is the case in the people of Kotagede Yogyakarta. In Kotagede, the Sendang Seliran myth developed, namely the belief in the mysticism of the sendang site or the former bathing place of the King of Mataram family, the site was sacred and preserved, this belief gave birth to various prosocial perceptions and behaviors. These behaviors are in the form of positive attitudes that contribute to the social life of the community, specifically serve to preserve the sendang site. This fact shows that the existence of the Sendang Seliran myth controls social behavior and plays a role in shaping the social order.

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