Alfian Jamrah, Sufyarma Marsidin, Azwar Ananda, Afriva Khaidir


The aims of this research was to find out how the implementation of character education models that have been implemented at senior high schools in Batusangkar, designing it  in order to be applied to students in senior high schools and also  determining the effectiveness of the implementation of character education models of local wisdom values "Tau Jalan Nan Ampek"  in shaping the character of students. The type of research was R & D  by using ADDIE development model, namely analyze, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. The data collection instruments are in the forms of observation sheets and questionnaires. The product was validated by experts and tested to high school students in Batusangkar. Quantitative data were obtained through a questionnaire. Qualitative data were obtained through observations, responses, and suggestions in the forms of improvements given in writing. The practicality of the character learning model of local wisdom values "Tau Jalan Nan Ampek"  is determined based on the responses given experts, teachers and students and the effectiveness of this model is determined from the results of an extended trial. Data validity and practicality were analyzed by using the formula of the total achievements of respondents, and the effectiveness was analyzed using an experimental t-test. From the results of this research,  a character model of learning "Tau Jalan Nan Ampek" was obtained by producing products in the form of model books, teacher books and student books. The findings in this study can be used by teachers and students to improve the characters of local wisdom-based, that is, know how to walk.

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Copyright (c) 2021 Alfian Jamrah, Sufyarma Marsidin, Azwar Ananda, Afriva Khaidir