Zitrifnovrido Amir, Mamat Supriatna, Ipah Saripah


Intellectual character education began to develop until now based on an imbalance between intellectual ability and the application of the values of goodness and morality in life. Virtue values should guide intellectual ability so as to form an open person, wanting to keep on finding out, being humble, honest and polite in speaking. These conditions provide the basis for this paper to design a study to test the effectiveness of personal-social guidance programs as an educational effort to instill the values of intellectual character. Previous research studies on social-personal guidance interventions only deal with general or equivalent character conditions. The issue of intellectual character in particular is more discussed in theoretical reviews. Although some methods and learning techniques for instilling the values of intellectual character have been proven by research trials, but not in the development of personal-social guidance programs. The design of this study began the product of a personal-social guidance program to instill the values of students' intellectual character with a quantitative research approach and a quasi-experimental design. The expected results are in accordance with the objectives of the research design as an effective product to improve intellectual character. As an introduction, this paper aims to strengthen and deepen the literature review before research is conducted.

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