Vivi Ramdhani


Mathematics is a subject that students learn at each level of the class they pass. It is common knowledge that these subjects are very difficult to conquer. Even as high as the class is passed the higher the level of difficulty, especially the mathematics material for high school students. The calculated media they have used so far are only calculators that have not been able to solve questions that require further analysis. In addition, the visualization media used are only in the form of real objects such as the building of space displayed in each class. Or in the form of a summary of the formula pasted on the classroom wall. This media has not been able to meet the needs of students to solve math problems. For this reason, new breakthroughs are needed to help in learning mathematics. Computers are one of the learning media that can be used to support the learning process. Maple application is one application to support the learning process of mathematics. This application can solve math problems in minutes or even seconds. In addition, it is also able to provide more real visualization of the problem. Thus, math will be easier with the help of the maple application.

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