Sahyoni Sahyoni


This paper aims at discussing creative writing model for junior high school students. The idea of creative instructional model for teaching is a special gift for the students. As an English teacher, being creative is a must and no bargaining especially for this millennial era. Teaching writing for junior high school students is a kind of challenging for novelty even senior English teachers. Communicative language teaching facilitates teachers to explore more students’ creativity. The ways of presenting writing materials also has been shifted massively, teachers center left out by new teachers and students center applied step by step regularly by them. Creative writing is definitely one of those areas in which teachers struggle. There is plenty of dull and old teaching strategy out there and students get cross-eyed with a heap of frustration and unmotivated. Bubbles writing is assumed creative writing model for teaching writing in junior high school students level. There are three advantages why this model is prominent than others for junior high school students they are: students-centered, fun and enjoyable, and innovative. This model has myriad advantages for students; students learn to sharpen cognitive thinking, to express their idea freely, to facilitate students being more active, to enjoy their writing activity.

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