Nurjani Nurjani


This writing in the background by the problem of students who are still sitting on the school bench is the future owner of society 5.0, but it can be seen that most of them are not ready to face this period can be proven by the ability of students still unable to solve the simple problems given by educators when in the learning process. The purpose of this paper is to describe the discovery learning model to foster students' critical thinking and creativity in solving problems in order to be able to adapt in the era of society 5.0. The method used for this study is literature study. The technique of collecting data is by studying literature. Data analysis is analyzed qualitatively by the nominative deductive thinking method. The results of this paper illustrate that using discovery learning models can lead to the ability to think critically and the creativity of students in solving problems so that they are able to adapt to the era of society 5.0, and this can also be a reference for educators to be able to provoke students' abilities in solving problems especially in the learning process by using the discovery learning model so that this can be a provision for students to face challenges in the era of society 5.0.

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