Irwan Irwan, M. Aries Taufiq, Roni Fernando


This article discusses about how to implement local wisdom  in English language teaching.  One of the burning issues in global science and education which have been begun since five years ago is about local wisdom.  This issue is predicted to be the wise way to overcome some problems in human life such as economics, education, politics and social life for the future especially in 5.0 society era.  The scientific rason for using local wisdom is all people have their own way and belief to manage their life based on their culture.  It can create their own identity and personality.  In language teaching for example, the practitioners have ignored the use of local wisdom.  Teachers just teach all about the target language without considering the local culture and local wisdom.  For the society of 5.0. it is suggested to use the local wisdom in language teaching in order to preserve our culture and to create our national identity and character.

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