Hasri Fendi, M. Aries Taufiq, Rahmi Eka Putri


Hedonism refers to an understanding considering that pleasure is the only way to achieve happiness in the world. Today, many students are willing to do anything in order to achieve that pleasure even though they have to violate the ethics and moral values applied in society. Nowadays, students no longer uphold the ethics and moral values of the nation. In this paper, the authors discussed the phenomenon of hedonism which is prevalent among Indonesian students according to the basic concepts of the philosophy of hedonism and the view of Islam. This study was conceptual research. Based on the discussion of the study, it can be concluded that hedonism begins to develop in Indonesian students at this time. They are willing to do anything to get their personal desires and pleasures, even if they have to do the actions contrary to the noble values of the nation, such as promiscuity and criminal acts. From the viewpoint of Islam, hedonism clearly contradicts the teachings of Islam since Islam does not teach its people to be wasteful and do useless things, and even commit disgraceful acts. Moreover, hedonism also has negative influences on the students. Therefore, the stdents should be well behaved in order not not fall into negative things. Besides, students are also expected to be able to fortify themselves by strengthening their faith so that they are not deceived by negative lifestyles, one of which is hedonism.

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