Fuji Pratami


In the learning process of Islamic Religious Education and Budi Pekerti in Elementary School (1. SD Negeri 06 Batu Payuang, 2. SD N 03 Labuah Gunuang, 3. SD N 01 Bukik Sikumpa), the teachers have not delivered the material by using interesting learning media. Students have showed some difficulties such as understanding the subjects. This study aims to observe the implementation of learning on the subjects of Islamic Education and characters. Furthermore, it will produce products in the form of Interactive CD media on learning Islamic Religious Education and characters for the fourth class in elementary school. The research method uses Research and Development with ADDIE (Analysis-Design-Develop- Implement-Evaluate) model. This research has been done to the stage of practicality. The result of this research is Interactive CD media which is valid and very practical. It can be concluded that the learning process in the fourth class of three elementary schools requires a learning media and effective learning resources. The validity result is 79.08% with valid category. The validation for Learning Implementation Plan (RPP) is 86.31% with very valid category. The result of practicality by teachers as a whole is considered very practical with the average score is 86.15%. The result of practicality to the students as a whole is considered very practical with the average score of 91.39%

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