Fadriati Fadriati, Desty Ayu Anastasha


Various complaints from the public about the failure of character education in several educational institutions cannot be denied. This is proven by various news related to adolescent behavior. This study aims to describe the implementation of character education and the needs of the school towards gender-based character education models and local wisdom to overcome the deviant behavior of SMP / MTs students in Tanah Datar. The research method used is a qualitative method, namely research that aims to describe the phenomena associated with the implementation of character education in schools and is presented qualitatively. The implementation of character education by education providers has been going well, but it has not been maximized, because it is caused by other factors that influence it, including internal factors of students and external factors such as the household, school and community environment. Character education is carried out using an individual, group, classical approach, and involving parents. The teacher also gave a concrete example and joined with the students to pray in the congregation by giving directions, reading the Qur'an, praying dhuha, Asma al Husna, giving a message.

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Wartakotalive, 24 Februari 2019. Online


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