Exsaris Januar, Alwen Bentri


This research is backed up by the observation of researchers with the findings of the lack of technologybased learning media in elementary school in class VI on the theme of 8 Subtema 3 Sun, Earth and Moon. The purpose of the research is to generate a Box of learning media, a valid Miror Power technology, practical and effective. The development method chosen in the study is the development of 4-D models with the Define, design, develop and disseminate stages. The validation test result states that the very valid Box Eclipse Learning Media is used at 4.25 or 85%. While in the practical tests seen from the response teachers and learners state that practical learning media is used with validation of 3.77 or 94.25%. Students who like learning media as much as 13 people or 92.8%. To test the effectiveness of media Box eclipse affects the activity and learning outcomes of learners. Based on the research it was concluded that the learning media Box Eclipse based Miror Power technology is very valid, practical and effective in the learning process in class VI theme 8 subtheme 3 Learning 1.2, and 5.

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