Diki Atmarizon, Novita Efendi


This research aims to show English teachers’ assessment of Prof. Dr. Hamka Modern Boarding School in the 2013 curriculum. The explanations of assessment were the types of assessment, the implementation and the problem faced by the teachers. Kind of this research was descriptive. There were two English teachers and 36 students as subjects of this research. The instruments used were observation checklist, questionnaire sheet and interview guideline. The data were analyzed descriptively. The result showed 52,5% of assessment applied by all English teachers in the 2013 curriculum. The numbers of the students become main problems besides basic knowledge, overburdened of time and classroom management. In short, the English teachers’ assessment include ‘Fair’ category. Consequently, the assessment training and workshop should be followed the teachers. Furthermore, the researcher can conduct more wide research to know the English teachers’ assessment in the 2013 curriculum.

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