Arinal Fajri, Gusti Marlina


Oral cavity's health is very important for humans, in the oral cavity there are various kinds of bacteria or fungi, that is due to the leftovers of the food we've eaten, temperature, humidity and nutritious environment in the oral cavity, it can increase the growth of microorganisms quickly. To inhibit the growth of bacteria and fungi in the oral cavity, the researchers made a mouthwash formula using natural ingredients namely gambier and cinnamon. This study has aims to find out the effectiveness of gambier and cinnamon which is inserted into a mouthwash formula toward the development of Streptococcus Mutans bacteria and the Candida Albicans fungus. This study used an experimental method and for testing the effectiveness of mouthwash on bacteria and fungi, the Paper Disk technique was used. From the analysis conducted on Streptococcus Mutans bacteria and Candida Albicans fungus which is reproduced, there was an inhibition of the growth of Streptococcus Mutans bacteria and Candida Albicans fungus on the test equipment, therefore gambair and cinnamon are quite effective to be used in making natural mouthwash formula

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