Risvan Siraj Fadoli, Mardi Habibra, Didi Arpeni


The 4.0 Industrial Revolution today is increasingly gaining attention from various types of people.  With the advancement of the digital industry era, the problems experienced by the wider community are those of the digital world or online. Therefore the implementation of assessments in schools besides requiring mastery, practice and synthesis,  must also make updates in guidance and counseling namely digitalization. Therefore, it is possible to use a computer as an assessment tool to facilitate the assessment activities. The assessment must be carried out carefully according to the rules. Errors in identifying problems due to inadequate assessment will cause treatment to fail; or can even trigger the emergence of consequences from treatments that harm the counselee. The method used in this research is library research method. The goal is to produce a digital instrument-based guidance and counseling application that can be used for processing the results of student need assessments. With the processing of digital device-based need assessment, counselors can be helped  in mapping the needs of students. Another goal is to continue to carry out assessment activities in ways that are more interesting and not limited to places, but also pay attention to the needs of students in accordance with the problems that occur in students.

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