Nailur Rahmi, Irma Suriani


In Indonesia there are currently three time zones, namely, the time of Western Indonesia (WIB), namely the time of GMT + 7, the time of Central Indonesia (WITA), namely the time of GMT + 8 and the time of Eastern Indonesia (WIT), namely the time of GMT + 9. A few years ago there was a discourse that was being rolled out among Indonesian experts and then it became a rather noisy pros and cons, namely about the simplification of the Three Indonesian Time Zones to just One Time Zone, namely GMT + 8, which means the same as WITA / Indonesian Time Part The middle. This discourse raises the confusion of ordinary people about the reasons and benefits that can be obtained by the unification of the Indonesian Time Zone and is there any influence on the initial determination of prayer times. Changes in the time zone of course raises a big question mark for most Muslim communities, whether these changes do not make it difficult to determine prayer times. If it is associated with the discourse with the initial determination of the current prayer time is actually not difficult in determining the initial prayer time. In this case there are 2 ways that can be done in the initial determination of prayer time, namely: The prayer time schedule that has been calculated using the original formula can be used by making simple changes and some conversions. With the unification of the time zone, there is a difference in prayer time of 1 hour compared to the time of the previous prayer even though the unification of the time zone was not so difficult in the initial determination of prayer times.

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