Himyar Pasrizal, Ali Mutasar, Kuntum Khaira, Husni Shabri


Education management is carried out in order to facilitate the achievement of school goals that have been set and increase school competitiveness in the global world. In integrated Islamic schools, especially Bukittinggi Excellent Islamic Elementary School (SD Islam Excellent Bukittinggi), the management of religious fields is developed and balanced with general fields so as to form intelligent learners and moral values who implement values based on the Quran and the Sunnah. The management of education at the SD Islam Excellent Bukittinggi also meets eight national standard of education in the context of achieving good quality. The implementation of integrated school management here can be seen in the management of the curriculum, organizational structure, school fees, development of facilities and infrastructure. In addition, the school also manages the development of strategies to improve the quality of graduates through improving the competence of teaching staff, optimizing student activities, increasing cooperation with parents for the progress of the school.

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