Asmendri Asmendri, Irman Irman, Baihaqi Annas, Silvianetri Silvianetri, Milya Sari, Putri Yeni


The purpose of this research is to analyze effectiveness of  zikir therapy model on reducing the stress of the former commercial sex workers at Panti Sosial Karya Wanita Andam Dewi Kabupaten Solok, West Sumatra. The method of this research used experiment with pretest and posttest design. The research subjects were ten persons that had bee one group. Data collection with using the stress level scale, interview, and observations. Data analysis used paired samples t test with paramatric statistic on SPPS for Windows versi 20.0. Based on the research finding, it was found that happened reducing the stress score values were 61.2 point. Therapy model was effective on reducing the stress of former sex commercial workers with p 0.000<0,05. This research model can be used by social workers, counselor and others for teaching the former sex commercial workers.

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