Farida Arianti, Maisarah Leli, Dian Pertiwi


Islamic financial institutions function to manage collected funds. The contract contains tijaarah (business) and ta’abbud (helping each other). The contract of agreement in a transaction produces profits in the form of fees (for services), margins (for sale and purchase profits), and profit sharing (for cooperation). However, in addition to the tijarah contract, sharia financial institutions also regulate cultural value contracts in the form of transactions called qardh hasan. This contract will slightly alleviate the community’s life needs. Sometimes the contract is not so optimally visible in sharia financial institutions to communities that are in desperate need, so that peopledominantly choose loans to money-lenders. Moving on from this phenomenon, the author is interested in discussing it related to the implementation of qardh hasan in optimally touching the people who really need it. The method is used is an inductive and deductive ones so as to draw general conclusions.


Optimization, Qardh Hasan, Sharia Financial Institutions.

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