Ulya Atsani,, Afrian Raus


The economic civilization of the Minangkabau customary law community has run naturally and still survives and is applied today. There are some forms of economic cooperation that still exist, namely: a. Cooperation in agriculture (mampaduoi sawah). The parties in this agreement consist of rice field owner and cultivator. In general, the capital of land processing can come from the owner of the rice field. It can also derive from the cultivator. For profit sharing, it is adjusted to the agreement and the amount of capital that has been spent on processing the land. b. cooperation in the field of animal husbandry (mampaduoi sapi). The parties consist of cow owners and those who raise cattle. The capital is entirely from the owner of the sapi and the distribution of profits is carried out through: (a)If the female cow gives birth to one child: 2 feet for livestock owner and 2 feet for livestock raising. (b) If this female cow gives birth again: 3 feet for raising livestock and 1 foot for livestock owner. (c) If the female cow gives birth for the third time: a period for livestock owner and 3 feet for breeding. (d) If the female livestock that is kept does not give birth to a child, the share of the results is by means of patuik. Patuik is one form of remuneration for livestock keepers and as a wage for raising livestock. The pesticide system in the cattle is carried out by estimating. The estimation is carried out when the cow is handed over (at the beginning of the agreement). When the price of livestock is estimated, then the livestock keeper gets the maintenance and livestock wages will be immediately handed over to the owner. Livestock keepers' wages are the difference in the price of patuik divided by two from the beginning of the contract until the end of the agreement. (e) If the maintenance of the livestock asks the bull to the livestock owner, the male cow is bought with a profit sharing system. The distribution of profits is done by the owner of the cow notifying the keeper of the price of the cow first and at the time the cow is to be sold the division is calculated by means of the price of cattle at the start minus the selling price of the cow profit. This benefit will later be divided between the owner and the livestock keeper.. (f) If the raised cattle die because of an element of negligence, the keeper is obliged to replace them, but when the cow dies out of the negligence of the keeper, the keeper is not obliged to provide compensation..


Perjanjian Ekonomi, Masyarakat Adat Minangkabau, Model Akad Fiqh Muamalah

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