Syamsul Bahri


The purpose of this article to find out the polarization honesty the putting about the guardian at the time of registration of wills of marriage and its implications in marriage. Research used qualitative methods to describing the phenomenon of polarization honesty the placing guardian of marriage and wills of marriage. Research using the technique of snowbalsampling. The findings of this study: first; the placement of the guardian of marriage there was a cover-up, which impressed the reluctance to mention guardian of marriage, due to emotion and less respect to the guardian of marriage. Second; the implications of the guardian of marriage because the ware mistakenly put the guardian of marriage was sourced the description of the family and wedlock so as to-legitimatean consent and qabul disquiet.


Honesty, the guardian of marriage, registration the wills of marriage, marriage.

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The bond between the spiritual birth and a man with a women. Further see: Act No. 1 year 1974 about marriage.

Order the guardian of marriage in section 22 of the compilation of Islamic law are: 1. Biological father; 2. Grandfather (father of the line onwards to the top in the male line); 3. Brother was raised; 4. Father's brother; 5. Boys from the brother was raised; 6. Boy brother of father; 7. Boys from the boy's brother was raised; 8. Boys from the boys brother of father; 9. Father's brother was raised; 10. Father's brother of father (uncle of father); 11. The boy's uncle was raised; 12. Boys from the uncle of father; 13. Brother father grandfather; 14. Boys from the brother's grandfather was raised; 15. Boys from the brother of the grandfather of father.

Marriage is doing a aqad (agreement to committing yourself) that is carried out between a man and a woman for husband wife relationship justifies between both sides, which is done on the basis of voluntarily and also the two sides to realize a life of happiness in the family covered compassion and harmony in ways that God approves..

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