Sa'datul Maghfira, Ridho Oktoviama Amran


Decentralization is the surrender of governmental authority by the government to autonomous regions to regulate and manage affairs within the system of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. In Indonesia, the regulations governing decentralization are in Law No. 22 of 1999 and Law 25 of 1999 which were later revised in 2004. The application of decentralization was born at the time after the democracy which made the government's rush to implement a rule without going through careful design first. The method that the author uses in writing this scientific paper is library research. Decentralization that has taken place in Indonesia is very much in need of a deep improvement from the government both changes made in terms of internal (community itself) and external ((the flow of globalization), because of the internal and external flows will have a major impact on Indonesia going forward.


decentralization, polemics, regional use

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