Umara and Ulama in Umar ibn Abdul Aziz as Well as His Responsibility in the Implementation of Islamic Law in the Time of the Government of the Dynamic Bani Umayyah.

Jamal Mirdad


This study focuses on the application of Islamic law during Umar ibn Abd Aziz as ulama and umara. At the beginning of the Umayyad dynasty’s reign, there is a separation between religion and state. Religious authority was led by ulama and authority of state was held by the caliph. This separation has an impact on injustice, the gap in the application of the law and the separation between the law (rules) issued by the government and the law (fatwa) issued by the ulama. The method used in this study is descriptive analytics by analyzing the historical data about Umar ibn Abd Aziz intensively, especially in legal policy. The finding is that Umar ibn Abd Aziz is a statesman who is supported by scholars. He is very concerned about the sources of Islamic law. Thus, each of his policies is oriented to Islamic law. Umar also raises qadi and emir from the chosen people so that the application of the law is evenly and indiscriminately and there is no more discrimination between the groups in the social, political and legal fields.


umara, ulama, Umar ibn Abd Aziz, law

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