Anita Marwing, Hamzah Hasan


This study aims at explaining the meaning of the traditions of Mappanguju and Doassalama’ 'in the tradition of the Buginese pilgrimage in Bone Regency, South Sulawesi, the role of the Buginese society in preservation of such traditions, and explain Islamic perspective toward legal standing of these traditions. This study employs mix method in both phenomenology and Islamic law perspectives. This method enables to reveals the deepest meaning of traditions of Mappanguju and Doassalama’ and its legal position by using the theory of' urf and maslahah murshalah. Result of this study shows that Mappanguju and Doassalama’' are the local wisdom associated with Hajj procession of the Bugis tribe in Bone Regency. Mappanguju usually is held several days before departuring of pilgrims to the holy land. The initial stage of Such tradition is to gather traditional leaders who have role to psychologically and spiritually prepare pilgrim candidates (appanguju). In Mappanguju tradition, the term "mallise kopporo" (filling a suitcase) is guided by traditional chiefs or elderly people who pray (padduangenna salama'), barzanji (MaddandaRasul) and Doassalama’' (prayer of salvation) for safety, smooth, and strenghtness of pilgrims candidates. In addition, The minuscule changes of such tradition practices between in the past and today as a consequnce of level of understanding of religion and education of the community indicates that the Buginese community in Bone plays a vital role in the development and preservation of the tradition. The Mappanguju tradition in Islamic law perspectives is a part of Urf which leads to strengthness of hajj. Thus, such tradition is not contrary to the Islamic law with the condition that the tradition not leads to shirk activities. On the other hand, tradition of Doassalama’ is suitable to Islamic law because it contains religious values.


Doassalama’’, Hajj, Mappanguju, Buginese Society.

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Such a view arises from the misperception of the local community. This wrong view will lead to seeing local communities as different from most people. In addition, state projects in the form of tourism also reinforce the spirit of exoticism towards local communities. Arts and culture that exist in certain locales become commodified goods. If so, the arts and culture will be detached from their spiritual values. Some foreign researchers often provide this identification. For example, we can see his research Clifford Gertz about Religion of Java. (1960) or the results of his research in Bali about Cockfighting in Bali in the 1970s. He saw Java as a different society and was something very exotic. The same was done by Andrew Beatty in his book Varieties of Javenis Religion. (1991), in the Indonesian edition translated as Andrew Beatty dan Achmad Fedyani Saefuddin, Variasi Agama-Agama Jawa: Pendekatan Antropolog, (Jakarta: PT Raja Grafindo 2001), p. 124.

Arafah, Interview, 11 Agustus 2018.

Departemen Agama RI, Al-Qur’an dan Terjemahnya (Bandung: PT. Madina Raihan Makmur, 2009), p. 396.

Barzanji is a collection of praises in the form of poems or poems that tell the biography of the Prophet Muhammad. This tradition was carried out for generations from tomatoaroilota (former people) when Islam first came to South Sulawesi.

Ismail Suardi Wekke, Islam dan Adat: Tinjauan Akulturasi Budaya dan Agama dalam Masyarakat Bugis, Jurnal Analisis, Volume XIII, Nomor 1, Juni 2013., p. 43.

This conclusion based on the type of food served at the Barzanji recitation is not so different from the food presentation at the celebration of the community to Lotang or the Ancient Bugis people adhering to local traditional beliefs that are not Islamic. See Christian Perlas, Manusia Bugis, translate by Abdul Rahman Abu, et al. (Jakarta: Nalar cooperates with the Jakarta-Paris Forum, EFEO, 2006), p. 223.

Manda, Interview, tanggal 11 Agustus 2018.

Awal, Interview, tanggal 12 Agustus 2018.

Abu Hamid, Syeikh Yusuf Makassar: Seorang Ulama, Sufi dan Pejuang (Jakarta: Yayasan Obor Indonesia, 2005), p. 47.

Manda, Interview, tanggal 2 September 2018.

Sabri, Interview, tanggal 2 September 2018.

Husni, Interview tanggal 12 Agustus 2018.

Awal, Wawancara tanggal 12 Agustus 2018.

Departemen Agama RI, Al-Qur’an dan Terjemahnya, p. 176.

Ismail Suardi Wekke, Islam dan Adat: Tinjauan Akulturasi Budaya dan Agama dalam Masyarakat Bugis, Jurnal Analisis, Volume XIII, Nomor 1, Juni 2013), p. 31.

Christian Pelras, The Bugis (Oxford: Blackwell, 1996), p. 4.


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