THE COPYRIGHT LAW ENFORCEMENT OF COMPACT DISC (A Case Study of the Legal Certainty of Copyright Law in Pekanbaru)

Yusuf Daeng, Sitti Yulia Makkinninawa YD


The development of science and technology has resulted in the broad impact towards civilization. The development of science and technology is followed by social issues and the development of law for the sake of manifesting regularity and order. There have been so many human activities focusing on creating something beneficial for them. Copyright works are among the activities that humans do. Someone's creation manifested in the form of the work of art and books are not constantly meant for the personal interest of its creator, but also presented to meet the society's needs. However, there is legal protection towards the art creator in regards to his work to earn some economic benefits regardless of the fact that other parties may illegally make use of the work for the sake of their benefit. There has been the legislation on copyright or copyright law containing the protection towards creative creators, musicians, and producers so that they are not harmed by the commerce of their works in the form of pirated cassette tapes or Compact Disc (CD). The circulation and sales of pirated CDs are occurring in several points of the city crowd in Pekanbaru, the capital city of Riau. There are hundreds of Pekanbaru inhabitants who make a living from selling pirated CDs. The development of pirated CD sales keeps increasing due to the merchants' lack of knowledge and society's and law enforcement officers' ignorance. This matter violates copyright law. Besides, the circulation and sales of pirated CDs have led to the state loses since the tax potentials that should come into the state treasury are missing due to their circulation in the hands of piracy perpetrators and merchants. Dealing with the case of pirated CD circulation and sales requires the roles of police officers, customs, Riau Province government, and Riau City government to implement the copyright law.


Law Enforcement, Copyright Law, Compact Disc

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