The Constitutional Politics: The Regulatory Dynamics of Presidential Threshold After the Decision of Law No. 49/PUU-XVI/2018 by The Constitutional Courts

Ahmad Zaini, M. Zainor Ridho


Theoretically, there are regulatory dynamics that can be identified, namely: first, the urgency of applying the 20% presidential threshold to the 2019 presidential and vice presidential election; and second, is the implication of regulations on political parties in proposing candidates for president and vice president who do not get 20% of seats in the DPR based on the results of the 2014 general election. The constitutional dynamics that developed in setting the threshold of 20% in the 2019 presidential and vice presidential elections were first, the determination of the 20% threshold in the 2019 presidential and vice presidential election was the mandate of the legislation and the Constitutional Court's ruling. In addition, to strengthen the presidential system. Second, the 20% threshold requirement in the 2019 presidential and vice presidential nomination is contrary to the 1945 Constitution and is considered threatening to electoral democracy and the existence of political parties.


Constitutional politics, presidential election, and Law

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