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Becoming a sakinah mawaddah wa rahmah family is a dream of all families. This word is easy to say, but it is difficult to make it happen. The purpose of the study is to explain the efforts to reach the sakinah mawaddah wa rahmah family. The method used was the qualitative normative method and the data was collected from the secondary data. This study was a content analysis research. The research findings revealed that the role of education is crucial to increase knowledge and understanding of marriage life in order to create a sakinah mawaddah wa rahmah family, and to reduce the number of disputes, divorce, and domestic violence. The effort that can be done is the implementation of premarital education for the prospective bride and groom, and training / counseling for married people. People who take part in the government, religious leaders, and community leaders should be motivated to think, plan and carry out their functions on the marriage field as the facilitators, motivators and stabilizers in every nagari or sub-district where they are located.


building, sakinah, mawaddah wa rahmah, education

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