Ummul Huda, Yulia Syafitri, Elda Herlina


This research is motivated by the rapid development of IT that can divert students' attention from their main tasks, so the teacher must be creative in making and using IT as a learning tool. On the other hand, mathematics material is classified as quite abstract so that intermediaries are needed in the delivery of learning information to students. Then, the majority of students tend to be passive during the learning process, the speed of students in capturing the contents of the subject also varies, and the learning style of students is also not the same. In addition, there is still a dichotomy in learning that is not in line with the school's vision. Therefore, we need a learning innovation that can overcome all the problems above. The purpose of this study is to produce a product in the form of interactive media based on Islamic mathematical integration that is effective. This development research consists of three stages, namely define, design and develop. The instruments used in this study were questionnaires and tests. The media is validated by five validators, including experts in the fields of mathematics, information technology and religion. Then the effectiveness is seen from the students 'classical completeness and the students' positive response questionnaire. This study produced an interactive media based on the integration of Islamic mathematics in the set material. The results of the effectiveness test have fulfilled both indicators of effectiveness. In other words, this media are declared effective for use.

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Copyright (c) 2019 Ummul Huda, Yulia Syafitri, Elda Herlina